for Hamvoip v 0.32
March 10, 2024
I am not a software developer and I didn't stay at a Holiday
Inn Express last night. The last meaningful code I wrote was a custom
constitutive theory for the modeling of high temperature composites using
FORTRAN. My entire kit intentionally consists of a Quansheng UV-K6, Pi4, USB and a cell phone. But I have Hamvoip with DVSwitch Installed
along with Allscan and Supermon2 and I wanted an easy way to surf DMR
I started with command lines, used DTMF code
configurations and tried Analog Reflector with hUC. But I wanted something
compact enough to sit on my mobile screen or in a frameless control window on
my desktop. This is what I came up with. All PHP from the ground up with a goal
of being clean, lean, repeatable and easy.
Alltune is a work in a progress. Yes, the name and
appearance are entirely based on Allscan because I found that entirely useful
and well done. Allscan just doesn't do digital tuning. I originally started
with some hacky code that put an interface into Allscan itself (and I'll
include that method below if you prefer it). But this standalone version is
easier to install and currently meets my needs the best.
Create a new folder /srv/http/alltune and place all the
following files in it
Using Alltune
Open a browser and navigate to your.hotspot.ipaddress/alltune
and the index.php should load by default.
Alltune is the default home page on my node. I did this
by editing /srv/http/index.php to read :
header("Location: alltune/index.php");
You can also call fav_mgr.php, tune_mgr.php or
index.php individually in the /srv/http/alltune directory.
The old OPTIONAL Hacky Method
I’m probably abandoning this approach, however, the
original (and less functional) tgtune.php can be included directly into AllScan
by doing the following:
// Define TGIF Security Key and Brandmeister Selfcare
$TGIF_HotspotSecurityKey = "Your Hotspot Key";
$BM_SelfcarePassword = "Your Selfcare Password";
// Uncomment file path on the next line to Show DMR
talkgroup tuner if available
$tgtune = 'tgtune.php';
if(file_exists($tgtune)) {
echo '<br>';
echo '<div
style="text-align: center;">'; // Centering container
echo '<iframe src="' . $tgtune . '" frameborder="0" style="width:500px; height:90px;"></iframe>';
echo '</div>';
Save and refresh the page and the original tgtune panel
should be part of your allscan page.
Final Notes
This is a work in progress. There's no security, user
roles, special protections and it's not complete. Feel free to use this code to
add the other DVSwitch modes you may want. I find that TGIF if the fastest and
easiest to use, so that's why it looks this way for now.
This was developed and tested using Chrome on a PC.
There shouldn't be anything unique that won't work in other browsers or
operating systems, desktop, Pi or hosted. I just don't have the other platforms
on which to test. None of this code is copyrighted or even attributed to me
because it's PHP and ChatGPT. Use it, modify it, extend it, toss it as you
please. Hams wrote the other solutions that I use. I'm just giving a little
back that you may find useful.